Flower Hack – Use Scotch Tape To Make Florist Like Arrangements

I visited the Meredith Viera show with a fun hack to make your flower arrangements looking like you got them at the florist.

Here’s an easy hack to make sure your flowers stay upright in a vase – create a grid by using a few strips of scotch magic tape. Just place 2-3 pieces of tape in one direction, then 2-3 pieces in the opposite direction, similar to how you would if you were drawing a larger tic tac toe board. Then just start adding the flowers one by one. And you have a perfect flower arrangement.

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A tip to keep flowers fresh longer is to add a cube of sugar and a penny into the water before adding the flowers. The copper in the penny will help kill the bacteria and the sugar feeds the flowers.

More Tips to keep your flowers living longer:

Add a few drops of vodka (or any clear spirit) along with 1 teaspoon sugar.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Sugar
Mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons sugar to the vase before adding the flowers.

Crush up an apirin and put into the water before adding your flowers.

Hair Spray
Spray a small amount of hair spray onto the flowers to help them look fresh longer.

Pour 1/4 cup of soda into vase. The sugar in the soda helps make the flowers last longer



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